REED CAREFULY find something interesting in an ordinary place, something tragic, something funny, something beautiful...

January 25, 2006

City Hall at night

City Hall

Sheraton Centre, 24th floor
6:24 p.m.

January 24, 2006

Tuesdays on the town

What was I drinking?

Uh... if you're missing this sign from your front lawn... leave a message.

January 21, 2006

Oh my virgin eyes...

I hope you're old enough to see this

Margaret Fairley Park
4:55 p.m.

Do I look fat?

All clear
George Brown College
January 16, 2006
9:11 p.m.

It took me only 13 attempts to get the shot I wanted, and even then I had to crop crop crop away.
I was at George Brown for my Introduction to Digital Imaging class.
Free prize to whoever can spot the edit!

January 08, 2006

Toronto Centre all-candidates debate at the 519

Guns hurt people

Guns hurt people

These are the two top contenders: Liberal candidate Bill Graham and the NDP's Michael Shapcott.

In the interest of fairness I tried to get them looking scared of each other, but I think I succeeded only in getting Shapcott looking bored at the top and giggling at the bottom at a pissed-looking Graham.

I'll put up pics of some of the other candidates when I have more time.

9:23 p.m.