REED CAREFULY find something interesting in an ordinary place, something tragic, something funny, something beautiful...

May 11, 2004


Due to a lack of funding (the advertising market is slow these days) my stories may not run. It didn't run last issue, and things don't look that good for the next one.

I'm not mad though... I've been in that position to cut stories out of a paper before. It ain't fun, asking someone to spend hours interviewing and writing and reading and re-reading and re-reading for a story that you end up leaving on the floor. Not cool.

Still, I'm writing again, which is why I called them up to begin with, so I'm happy. Plus, I learned that the brown spots in the middle of that big Riverdale Park hill (I'll get a pic up soon) is actually caused to erosion, while the trees just south of them are rooted in an underground waterbed.

Cool eh?


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