What were those fools at the ACC thinking when they wore their Santa hats to the Raptors game? If paying out hard-earned money wasn't enough these people also advertise their spendthrift ways? It's almost as bad as people wearing those stupid hats at the mall.... sheesh... the only people saying "ho ho ho" are the execs vacationing in warmer climes, not them, not the cashiers, not those Chinese kids slaving over a sewing machine.
While I can certainly appreciate the holiday spirit, I believe it is best exhibited with a smile and kind gestures. Guess what? Contrary to that crappy Bell commercial, this is not the case, nor has it ever been. This "Christmas spirit" is about giving to your friends, your family, and most importantly making YOU feel good. As it should be. But this crap about being nice to everyone and random gestures of goodwill and kindness and all that other b.s.? Well... if a holiday is required for everybody to be extra nice then we're really in trouble, aren't we?
I had a wonderful day today. My two piercings turned into two stretches, which halved the price with almost all of the pain. So only TWO cockroaches are getting ready to burrow underneath my skin... heh.
I'm quickly running out of resolution ideas. I've already quit smoking and I've tried exercising most of the year... maybe I'll think about exercising more. Cripes.
I got a new job. While it's only ten hours a week it's ten hours that I'm being paid to read the newspapers, something I do anyways. Not looking for more work, as I imagine I'll be writing like crazy again once school starts in January. Until then, I have my Jack London books and FINALLY a copy of Naomi Klein's books, No Logo and Fences and Windows. I think I'll start... NOW!
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