Another bloody undy?

No, not a new piercing. Just an infusion of colour courtesy my dear cat Puffy: Bodacious Bloodstains.
I woke up this morning to a loud crash just outside my window. It lasted a good 30 seconds and I started freaking out thinking someone was trying to break in.
While fumbling in the dark my fingers closed around my glasses the same time Puffy, who shares my bed when she feels like it, closed her mouth high up along the back of my left thigh, just beneath my but-tocks. Eight fang holes, another 18 puncture wounds (at least), a 16-cm scratch, three hours in the emerge and a mega-painful tetanus shot later I've banned her from my bed. I will sleep alone.
Now I sit here on one-and-a-half but-tocks looking through crooked glasses at Puffy and wondering what caused her to bite me. I stare deep into her eyes and ask her what in the world went through her mind. She stares back, wondering when in the world I am going to put her down.
I love her.
Somebody got a hurt real bad.

Puffy's meal... or what's left of my thigh
As it turns out the commotion was caused by three stray cats fighting out back. I guess that's why Puffy, normally very passive, was so aggressive, but that still doesn't explain why she went Colonel Sanders on my leg. I'll have to take her back to the vet.
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