Putting my four eyes to use
I just finished reading this:

by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
It's a bit over my head... it's intensively researched and written in a style that I always shied away from in school because I thought it was awkward and clunky.
Content wise it's very inspiring. I can't say it's enlightening because I didn't live through that period, but with Herman and Chomsky throwing up case after analysis to prove their point it's almost too much to believe.
Anyways, I found a couple web sites that I think serves as relatively decent backgrounder to better understand why the Americans are so gung-ho today about Iraq, and why Haiti is so far off everyone's radar.
The Vietnam War
Very attractive web site with some great background information
History Net
Smells of propaganda
Good ol' Wikipedia, which under the circumstances could be argued is quite credible
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