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December 12, 2005

Photog log

So I've been upset most of the past month thinking that my Pentax Optio S51 was busted, the victim of a violent three-foot drop.


I had gotten barely a half year's worth out of a camera that even at a mega Hong Kong discount cost $500 along with a 512MB memory card. But just as I went to bid it a fond goodbye... Cazart! It's working! Sometimes! (I'm sure it really is busted and just capturing its last pics, but it'll do.)

So I breathed a huge sigh of relief, but not before deciding upon and buying the superly expensive (for me) Canon Rebel XT.


Now I will resume my periodical entries here with snappy pics of my city and anything else that interests me.

One more thing...

After figuring that my Optio still had life I found this on the memory card. It was the only pic there.

Ooh... the lights!

I don't remember taking it...


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