What a shitty trip home.
I normally stay at work and try to time to the minute when I have to run out of the office and catch my West Mall bus home. Today I found myself clearing up my desk early and I realized I had a full three minutes extra on top of my normal six-minute jog, so I took my time.
Lucky me. The bus got there two minutes early, and I caught it just in time. If I had left my normal time I would have had to wait until another 16 minutes at most.
It was warm and sunny; I swear I could smell the grass and feel the birds and the bees rubbing up against my… well… nevermind. Anyways, I got into Kipling and the last I saw before entering the subway tunnel was a clear blue sunny beautiful sky. That was the last I saw of my beautiful day. (I believe in literary terms this device is called foreshadowing.)
On the way home I dithered forever on whether to go south from Yonge Station to get some yogurt on sale at Dominion’s, but decided against it. Of course, the very next stop after that, Sherbourne, we’re all kicked off the train because of reports of sparks and smoke coming from the last subway car.
Being the geek that I am, the first thing I did after getting off was try to get close and sneak a few pictures. I couldn’t get much; my camera can’t get very many clear shots without the flash… heck, I even missed catching the face of this super hot cop that came by.
We got rolling after a 20-minute delay, and I had to wait for three full trains to pass before one had enough room for me to squeeze in and resume my trip home.
By the time I got out of the tunnel over the DVP, an hour after I first got in, it was pitch black.
All in a day’s commute.

Sherbourne subway station
6:18 p.m.
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