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September 11, 2005

Beautiful day at to go biking

I biked again to Humber River Saturday, this time with my parents. I showed them most of what I saw last week, but the one thing I couldn't show them was the dog; it was gone.

Along the way we stopped at Ontario Place to take in the Great White North Dragon Boat race.

Ontario Place

Race day
The view at Ontario Place was great.

Ready... set...
Starting line.

Finish line
Hey, I want a picture... wait for me!

Where are you going?
Back it up, #5, you are holding everyone else up!

Boat 5 was everywhere except where it was supposed to be for this race. All teams had 3 minutes to get to their boats in position to start; this one took 10.

Solstice settings

Wonky #5
This handy indicator can be found at Sheldon Lookout. I guess we're right in the middle of this.


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