Touring T.O.
After reading eye weekly's editorial on the passing of Ninjalicious, I decided to do a little sight-seeing of Toronto myself.
My destination was the Humber River Arch Bridge, which I wrote about back in May. And while it isn't an off-limits place as per Ninjalicious' urban exploration theory, it is nonetheless a place I've never thought about visiting partly because of my laziness and partly because my reliance on public transit meant it was much too far away.
But today I dragged out my bike and set out for the three-hour trip. Good thing the ambition hit in the morning, or else I would have had to navigate the hordes that were already gathering to watch the Canadian International Air Show later this afternoon.

Birdhouse (I think) by Harbourfront

This is the first time that I've seen Inukshuk Park, which used to be called Battery Park and is just outside Exhibition Place... that's the AVTOMOTIVE BVILDING in the background... heh...

This paper mache dog faces the Deloitte and Fedex advertisements along the QEW over by Sunnyside Beach... there was nothing indicating who made it though it must have been somebody who likes butter tarts... a 10-pack of the stuff from No Name brands made up parts of its exposed hind leg

My childhood friends... I was into dinosaurs waay before Jurassic Park... by Sunnyside Park

Monument commemorating Sir Casimir Gzowski

The Queen Elizabeth Monument, marking the entrance to the QEW

Downtown Toronto as seen from the Humber River

These are pictures taken from under the west side of the Humber bridge... the snakes are sooo cool!

The old Tent City

Bridge by the BMW dealership. I think people live under there, which is scary because the flooding a few weeks back would have covered all of this under water

Felled trees clogging the Martin Goodman Trail along the DVP

Gerrard Street footbridge under renovation
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